Supervisory Security Specialist - US Marine Corps (Hawaii)
Summary You will serve as a SUPERVISORY SECURITY SPECIALIST in the COMMAND SECURITY of MARINE FORCES PACIFIC. Responsibilities You will exercise the full range of supervisory and managerial responsibilities for DoD civilian personnel, active duty and reserve military personnel, and contractors assigned to the Command Security Branch. You will promote and furthers the equal opportunity program, ensuring equal treatment of all subordinates in all areas of work and personnel management including candidate selections. You will set and adjusts short and long-term priorities and establishes deadlines for completion of work. You will provide policy procedures, guidance, and assistance in all areas and issues concerning Information Security and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) to all levels of the organization. You will advises personnel and management on matters related to the security classification principles. You will conduct inspections and evaluate the effectiveness of the Infor...