Research Specialist - Clinical Trials - Hawaii Pacific Health (Hawaii)
Job Description The Hawai‘i Pacific Health Research Institute (HPHRI) is dedicated to expanding our knowledge and investigation of the most advanced methods of health prevention in Hawai‘i. HPHRI researchers conduct more than 200 clinical trials within the Hawai‘i Pacific Health network of hospitals — Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children, Pali Momi Medical Center, Straub Medical Center and Wilcox Medical Center. The Institute oversees an impressive array of research projects, covering areas such as oncology, cardiology, emergency medicine and neonatology. It manages a multi-million dollar budget and a dedicated staff that includes more than 25 clinical research coordinators and up to 75 physicians. Our studies assure patient safety in all aspects of research as they break new ground in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Through clinical trials, the newest, most promising medications, medical devices, and treatment protocols are made available to patients. T...